Brake Pads Replacement in Walnut Creek, CA

Brake pads replacement is a service that your vehicle will need time and time again. The intervals between replacements will depend on how aggressively you drive, how much time you spend in stop-and-go traffic on the Bay Area roads, and how often you head out for the mountains. Brake pads are known as “friction items” – they press against rotors to generate friction that slows down your car. As a result, even though they are made of very tough materials, over time they simply wear out. Diablo Auto Specialists in Walnut Creek offers comprehensive brakes and braking system maintenance services and repairs, including brake pads replacement.
At Diablo Auto Specialists we recommend regular brake inspections to make sure your vehicle’s brake pads are still thick enough to do their job. Manufacturers recommend brake pads replacement when they are down to 1mm – 4mm in thickness. Our nationally ASE certified technicians will perform both visual inspection and measure brake pads thickness, before they make any recommendations.
You vehicle may also alert you that it’s time to have professionals look at the brakes. If you notice any of the signs listed below, it’s time to take your vehicle to the “mechanic near me” to get the brakes checked out – your safety is at stake:
- Squealing or squeaking sounds when braking
- When braking you hear grinding noise
- Car pulls to one side when braking
- Dashboard brake warning light illuminates
When you ask us to perform brake inspection, we will inspect and measure the brake pads, but will also inspect brake lines, rotors, we will check brake calipers, and we will visually inspect and test the quality of the brake fluid as well. We may recommend replacing rotors along with the brake pads – in the olden days brake rotors were much thicker, and even if warped they could be machined down and smoothed out. Modern brake rotors are much thinner, and so there is not enough metal to take off a layer or two, as a result, brake rotors replacement along with brake pads replacement is pretty common these days.
When the replacement is completed, we test the brakes, and not just in the shop. We also take your vehicle for a road test, to make sure the braking system works as is should, under real world conditions. At Diablo Auto Specialists we live our motto: Quality, Value, Service. We offer convenient online appointments, and our service advisors will be happy to answer any questions you may have, and you can also expect:
- Clean, friendly office
- 36 month / 36,000 mile nationwide warranty
- In most cases, same day brake pads replacement completion
- Use of Original Equipment or better quality brake pads
- Nationally ASE certified technicians working on your car
- Free local Lyft/Uber for your convenience
- Quality, Value, Service
So call us when you suspect that something is amiss with the brakes. We will perform a professional brake inspection, and will fix whatever is not right. Brake system is the most important safety system in your automobile – bring your vehicle in at the first sign that something is not right. Call us to make an appointment.