Excellent, honest, customer service. We are so lucky to have Tim taking care of our cars.


As always a precise discription of the work to be done is given, and then completed in the time indicated.I would gladly recommend you to my friends and family


I appreciate having a solid, honest and independent garage where they diagnose any problems and present the options for servicing them without trying to sell you things you don't need.


I love bringing my car in - I get great service and trust Tim to be honest with me.


Tim & Company will take care of all your automobile needs.


All work was done on time and Tim, as usual, was a delight to work with.


We all hate to part with hard earned dollars, but my vintage 1997 Honda needs special care and this is exactly what I get at Diablo Auto Specialists.The work is done quickly, thoroughly and at a resaonable cost. My money is on Diablo Auto Specialists


My daughter's car died. Tim got us in right away, diagnosed the problem and we were on our way.


fair prices, clean shop, work performed on time...the reason we've been bringing our cars here for years.


Diablo Auto services all three of our cars. They've always taken great care of us and they are the nicest people in the world.